
The Climate

Climate Change
Earth warming up

On this page we will talk about Global Warming and Climate Change. According to NASA, Global Warming is most commonly measured as the average increase in Earth’s global surface temperature. Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates."

Fossil fuel burning and other human activities have increased greenhouse gas levels thus increasing Earth's average surface temperature. The Greenhouse Effect is when greenhouse gases warm the Earth by absorbsing heat and reflecting it in all directions.

The Effects of Global Warming and Climate Change

Some effects of climate change include:

  1. Increased temperatures of global land and oceans.
  2. Rising sea levels.
  3. Ice loss in mountain glaciers and at Earth's poles.
  4. More frequent extreme weather and natural disasters such as hurricanes, heatwaves, wildfires, droughts, floods and precipitation.
  5. Cloud and vegetation cover changes.

Did you know: Glaciers and ice sheets hold about 69% of the world's freshwater?

Source: Learn more at NASA